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3 reasons you should go vegan today!

If you have been watching the news lately, you probably heard about the American dentist who shot and “killed” Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe. ( You can do an online search to find out the full story). The event created an Internet firestorm. Animal activists, citizens, and prominent people in the media expressed their disgust for such a horrific act. However, there were many individuals that made a controversial point. Their argument was: If you are upset about Cecil the Lion being killed and you are not vegan, there is something wrong with you. While that statement is up for debate by many, the decision to be vegan and/or vegetarian is a personal choice.

I personally cannot speak for anyone else and their lifestyle choices. However, I do hope that we as humans show compassion and love for all living things. It’s disheartening to hear about animals being killed for someone’s personal gain. But, what about the many animals people kill every day for human consumption. What’s the difference? The circle of life some will say, but I beg to differ. That’s why I want to share with you 5 reasons why you should go vegan today.

  • Save animals- It’s no secret that by becoming vegan you will be saving hundreds of animals lives each year. Animals have much of a right to live as humans. In addition, you will be saving the planet by reducing the amount of meat you consume.

  • Save the planet- Did you know by going vegan you can actually save and preserve the planet? It’s noted that by adopting a vegan lifestyle you will be able to reduce the impact of the following:

  • Climate change

  • Rainforest destruction

  • Pollution

  • Global emissions

  • Reduce obesity- It’s no secret that America has one of the highest rates of Obesity in the world. While most people think that slimming down is for vanity purposes, it’s not. It’s no secret that obesity causes cancer and a wide variety of other chronic illness. However, did you know that being obese is bad for the planet? According to a study in the International Journal of Epidemiology, researchers discovered that a fatter population needs 19% food energy for its energy requirements. They also noticed that greenhouse gas emissions from food production and car travel was significantly higher than countries with a more leaner population and had a negative impact on the environment.

If you choose to go vegan today, you will be saving animals, the planet, and essentially your life. While I know that it’s impossible to go vegan overnight for many, you can start with simple changes to incorporate into your daily lifestyle. Maybe have a “No meat” night or add more fruits, vegetables, and legumes to your diet. If you are still having trouble going vegan, give me a call and I will be able to help!

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