How To Get Out Of Your Own Way!
I often wonder why some people seem to have more success than others. It boggles my mind that there can be two people who have the same level of education, same access to unlimited resources, and the same financial status can end up on completely two different paths. Have you ever wondered why some people reach a certain level of success, while others get in their own way? In fact, some people get in their own way and don’t realize they are doing it!
While there are many factors of why some people get in their own way, there are some common traits that you may notice. Some of the most common reasons why people are not successful as they should be is because they do the following ;
Procrastinate - Many people often say they haven’t completed a task because they didn’t have time. However, when people procrastinate it's usually more than the lack of time. They may feel incompetent or anxious about executing a task.
Listen to Naysayers- No matter who you are or what you do, unfortunately there is always going to be someone who doesn’t believe in you. Naysayers, will tell you your dreams are too big, your ideas are unrealistic, and will tell you to give up and get a real job. While you may disagree with them, your actions may tell a different story. If you don’t get results as fast as you like, you may think to yourself “ Maybe those naysayers are right.” “I should just give up and get a stable and secure job.”
Inability to finish- You may have had the best idea ever. You start doing everything you can to execute and bring it to the public eye. Then all of a sudden, you just stop. You stop working on your idea, and put it on hold. Then you start on something else and do the same thing. It’s a never -ending cycle and you remain stuck and always at square one.
Easily discouraged- Whether you are in business or reaching a personal goal, its fairly easy to get discouraged at the first sign of “perceived failure.” You may think that you are not doing a good job and decide to give up immediately.
Lack of confidence- You may have the best idea, but when you start talking to people they start giving you valuable feedback. Some you may agree with, some may make your blood boil. Then you start to doubt yourself, and you unconsciously stop talking about your idea because of the fear of rejection and what people will say about you.
There are a myriad of reasons why people get in their own way, but what about helping people GET out of their own way. Luckily, there are some simple strategies that you or any of your colleagues can follow to help you forget the naysayers and achieve the success you were born for.
3 Steps to Getting out of your own way !
1.Focus on your why - Whatever your goal is , remember why you started in the first place. Maybe you are on a mission to build schools in Africa, or maybe you just want to lose weight to be healthy and live longer. When you drown out the naysayers and focus on your mission, you will be more inclined to get out of bed every day and make it work!
2. Get an accountability partner- When you are focusing on a goal, it doesn’t hurt to have someone hold you accountable. When you have an accountability partner, you have a responsibility to report your actions to your partner. No one wants to feel bad or be reprimanded about a task that they didn’t do. Having an accountability partner, keeps you focused, committed and on track.
3. Get support-- Our brains are like computers , we are wired to think a certain way based on the beliefs, events and circumstances of our childhood. What many people don’t realize, is they have the power to change their thoughts. Yes, they can do this on their own. However, there are experts in neuroscience, mindset, and psychology that can help you re-train your brain for success!
With the right focus, dedication , and desire to succeed, you can get out of your own way and live a successful life! What one step will you take today to get out of your own way? What do you see happening in your life 3 months from now if you take action today?