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3 Simple Steps to Becoming Vegan Today

If you have been hearing the news lately, you may have realized that many people are starting to go vegan. There have been professional athletes, pop stars, celebrities and actresses who have been trading their hearty meat for a fresh plate of fruit and vegetables. And for good reason. There is no secret that going vegan can help you:

  • Lose weight

  • Have more energy

  • Save animals

  • Protect the environment

  • Improve your skin

  • And so much more

So, maybe you have been influenced to go vegan as well, but you are still not sure what to do or how to get started.If you are becoming vegan, here are some things you should do before you make the entire leap.

Get education- There are many individuals who still don’t know the difference between vegan and vegetarian, and that’s okay. The first step is to identify what vegans can and cannot eat. It would be ideal if you can watch videos and documentaries on the unfair treatment of animals, and why it is important for you to make the switch. You can also find organizations like and read all their content about the benefits of being vegan.

Take your time- If you ever had a habit like smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco, you may now that it’s difficult just to quit cold turkey. While there are some people who can quit cold turkey, there are others who cannot. If you are going vegan, it’s okay for you to make the transition slowly. You may not be able to give up meat right away, but you can take 1-3 days out of the week where you don’t eat any kind of meat or animal product. Once you realize that you are not missing meat, you can make the full transition.

When it comes to going vegan, there are some who may miss and crave meat. This is why many people find other like-minded vegans who they can share meals with, learn more about veganism, and stay on track to help them stay vegan.

If you are thinking about going vegan, why are you making the switch? Tell me in the comment box below.

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