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Discover 3 Simple and Fun Ways to Increase Your Life Span Today

It’s no secret that the anti-aging industry has been successful in selling “The Fountain of Youth” in the form of pills and supplements. There’s simply nothing wrong with wanting to feel and look young. However, what if we told you that your key to longevity wasn’t in a bottle or a pill?

In fact, you have access to everything you need to look years younger, right now! When it comes to promoting longevity and anti-aging, you only need 3 key things. So, what are they? Water, a vegan diet, and exercise.

Water – You heard that you are supposed to drink 8 glasses of water a day or drink ½ your body weight. While many people rather guzzle down flavorful beverages, water is essential to great health. Water plays a vital role in transporting nutrients to your organs. Water also helps you stay hydrated, retains moisture in your skin, and helps you eliminate toxins. However, an inadequate amount of water consumption can lead to:

  • Skin problems

  • Dry skin

  • Constipation

  • Toxin build up

  • Dehydration

In fact, dehydration can alter your mood, which can lead to stress. And we all know stress can lead to pre-mature aging. This is why it’s imperative you drink an adequate amount of water on a daily basis. When you keep your skin hydrated and moisturized, you prevent free radicals from causing wrinkles and keep your skin fresh, clean, and young!

Exercise- We all know that exercise is good for you. It prevents chronic illness, improves your mood, helps you sleep, and let’s not forget the holy grail: It helps you shed those stubborn and unwanted LBS! But, what about increasing your lifespan? Yes, putting on your jogging shoes can add more years to your life. According to a research from the Copenhagen City Heart Study, researchers discovered that jogging a mere 1 to 2 and half hours a week can increase the life span of men by 6.2 years and increase the life expectancy of women by 5.6 years! However, jogging is not the only form of exercise that can increase your life span. There are numerous studies that report other exercises such as cycling, walking, and swimming can also add more years to your life!

Vegan diet- It’s no secret that a vegan diet is rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients. How can a vegan diet help you feel young and sexy at 60 and beyond? Many vegan foods such as fruit have a high water content. Since your body needs water to stay hydrated, fruit is a great vegan food that will help you look and feel younger. However, there are other vegan foods that are high in vitamins that keep you healthy and wrinkle-free. For example, Vitamin C, found in many citrus fruits has the ability to neutralize “free radicals”, which are known to cause wrinkles and pre-mature aging. Tomatoes, carrots, spinach, nuts and a wide variety of other vegan foods also contribute to flawless skin!

So, remember, if you want to look and feel young, drink plenty of water, exercise daily, and eat delicious vegan food as much as possible! You too can be sexy at 60 or any age!

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